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Like Crazy

Like Crazy

Like Crazy


Like Crazy

2016 – DCP – color – 118”


Direction: Paolo Virzì

Screenplay: Paolo Virzì, Francesca Archibugi

Cinematography: Vladan Radovic

Editing: Cecilia Zanuso

Set design: Tonino Zera

Music: Carlo Virzì

Costumes: Catia Dottori

Cast: Valeria Bruni Tedeschi (Beatrice Morandini Valdirana), Micaela Ramazzotti (Donatella Morelli), Valentina Carnelutti (Fiamma Zappa), Anna Galiena (Luciana Brogi), Marco Messeri (Floriano Morelli), Tommaso Ragno (Giorgio Lorenzini), Bob Messini (Pierluigi Aitiani), Sergio Albelli (Torrigiani – servizi sociali social services), Marisa Borini (Mrs. Morandini Valdirana), Bobo Rondelli (Renato Corsi), Francesca Turrini (Giovanna)

Producer: Marco Belardi

Production: Lotus Production – Leone Film Group, Manny Films, Rai Cinema

Distribution: 01 Distribution


Beatrice Morandini Valdirana is a blabbermouth and a histrionic self-proclaimed countess who likes to believe she is in intimate relationship with world leaders. Donatella is a young fragile tattooed woman who conceals a painful secret. They are both patients in a mental institution and classified as socially dangerous. The film tells the story of their unpredictable friendship, which leads to their eccentric and touching escape in search of a bit of happiness in the open-air asylum that is the world of the sane.

critical note

“(…) one of the most beautiful Italian films of the season (and not only) (…). It was highly acclaimed at Cannes, where the DNA of great Italian comedy was instantly recognized by everyone (…). But it”s so captivating and successful that one wonders where its secret lies. The most obvious aspect is the extraordinary chemistry between the leading ladies (…), their ability to act without a net, giving themselves unreservedly to the characters while maintaining perfect control, even in the lengthy prologue set among truly problematic individuals (a choice not to be taken for granted). The other answer lies in the quality of the script. (…)” (Fabio Ferzetti, Il Messaggero, 15 May 2016)

main awards

2016 Cannes FF – Quinzaine des Réalisateurs

2016 Silver RibbonsDirector of Best Film, Best Scrennplay, Actresses, Costumes, Score

2016 EFA – European Film Awards: nomination for European Actress (Valeria Bruni Tedeschi)

2016 Valladolid IFF:  Best Film, Actresses, Audience Award

2017 David di Donatello AwardsBest Film, Director, Actress

2017 Ciak d’Oro: Micaela Ramazzotti Miglior Attrice Best Actress

2017 Sofia IFF: Audience Award