Italia – 2019 – colore – 40’
Direction: Carmine De Ieso, Martina Galiè, Greta Rossi
Music: Davide Norcini. Il brano Cotton è di Valerio Lysander
With: Daria Mazzocchio, Marco Turcich, Michele Di Milo, Aisha Offeh, Giuseppe Colancino, Silvia Consoli, Riccardo Mischiatti, Valerio Alessandri, Biagio Cilia, Lucrezia Pollice, Antonello Corvaro, Nicholas Leppini, Sara Fattore, Lorenzo Melini, Giulia Biagini, Silvia Tanzini, Cristiana Saraceni, Giorgia Caristi, Antonella Liaci, Alessandro Bossio, Isis Madonna Basile, Riccardo Vargiu, Carla Marchis, Guglielmo Savergnini, Gianluca Sorrentino
Production: Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia – sede Abruzzo
London 2019, Brexit has become like Godot: you wait for it, but it never arrives. In the meantime, some young Italians who emigrated to England share their stories. Disillusioned by the instability and the low prospect of creating a future for themselves in their country of origin, they talk about the beginning of their journey to the “new world”, the difficulty of settling in, the distance from their loved ones. Brexitaly, by Carmine De Ieso, Martina Galiè, Greta Rossi, is their graduation film from the Reportage course set up at the Abruzzo branch of the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia (Italian Experimental Film Centre).
“Brexitaly originates from a question: do you necessarily have to go abroad for a rewarding job and a satisfying standard of living or is it possible to remain in Italy? To find out, we listened to the Italians who left, those who for various reasons chose to move to London. We created a generational portrait told in first person by the protagonists: young people aged 20 to 40 from all over Italy. Through them we have tried to find the answers for our future and for the future of young people who face the same dilemma: to stay or to leave? The documentary follows a thematic and tone alternation: the good memories related to Italy, the trauma of the first day away, the bittersweet impact with the city, the new job, the distant family, the feeling of being migrants and of course Brexit.”