Festival in Schools
The ‘Festival del Cinema Europeo‘ renews once again this year its intention to enhance the educational function of cinema and its ability to foster a fruitful exchange of ideas and a greater awareness of current issues. The educational objectives include: underlining the contrast between filmic and verbal language, which leads to distinguish between spectator’s experience and character’s experience; delving into the many aspects and fields of investigation that can be involved in a reflection on the origins, cultural value, sociological implications of a cinematic work; educating to think through images and be able to grasp their function and meanings through a mindful viewing of the films, stimulated by a talk-debate following each screening.ì At the same time, the Festival aims to allow the students to take part in the most important events (tributes and special events), by holding a series of morning screenings for them, with the participation of the protagonists of the current edition. Christian De Sica, Elio Germano, Krzysztof Zanussi, Alessandro Piva, Fatih Akin, Bertrand Tavernier, Milena Vukotic, Valerio Mastandrea, Isabella Ferrari, Carlo Verdone, Kim Rossi Stuart, Jasmine Trinca, Alessandro Siani are some of the most famous guests who have attended the matinees in the last editions.
The scheduled events:
- On Friday 6th November, Liceo Artistico e Coreutico (Art and Dance High School) Ciardo Pellegrino – LECCE
> film: APRES MAI by Olivier Assayas -
On Friday 6th November, Liceo Classico “Socrate” – BARI
> film DIO E’ DONNA E SI CHIAMA PETRUNYA di Teona Mitevska - On Saturday 7th November, Liceo Scientifico (Scientific High School) Giulietta Banzi Bazoli – LECCE
> film: BANGLA by Phaim Bhuiyan - On Saturday 7th November, Liceo Classico e Musicale (High School specialising in Classical and Music
Studies) G. Palmieri – LECCE
> film: BANGLA by Phaim Bhuiyan - On Saturday 7th November, Liceo Classico e Musicale (High School specialising in Classical and Music
Studies) G. Palmieri – LECCE
> film ROCK THE WORLD by Federico Giannace
The films will be watched on the Festival’s platform ondemand.festivaldelcinemaeuropeo.com and the talks/debates will be held online on the distance learning platforms of the participating schools.